All posts by PBJ

The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center

The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice center has honored Peers Building Justice (PBJ) for the Youth Peacemaker Award of the Year! Our youth have worked extremely hard in presenting social justice topics (prison industrial complex, rape culture, racism in our community, bullying, dress code, media literacy, and much much more) to the community through our annual Martin Luther King Jr. showcase and our May showcase. PBJ has been recognized because our youth are the leaders in identifying issues in the community and are the leaders in how to solve or engage in conversations so we can live in a just world for everyone. We are excited to continue our work and thankful that we have been recognized by community members.
If you are interested in our after-school program Let us know!!

Image may contain: 12 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing

Woodbine Ecology Center Visit


 In October we took a weekend trip to the Woodbine Ecology Center  where we engaged in Healing Historical Trauma and Greif, Aquaponics and two hikes where we learned about plants and their healing properties and history of the land we were on and much much more.One of the things that was said that really stirred something in us was- we need to restore beauty to this world, rather than erase ugliness. So as a reminder to you all, our work can sometimes feel overwhelmingly filled with a magnifying glass to the ugliness of the world- but if we focus on restoring the beauty that we know this world has that’s when we can really see change. 

PBJ is an organization where youth can tune into their lives and reflect on their History, Trauma and have tools to create change. We were honored with the knowledge from amazing facilitators Rick, Robert, and Pavlos. So join us if you are interested in engaging with Social Justice topics!

PBJ Rocks!
Teachings from Robert Chanate about Colorado Native History
Teachings from Rick Garcia about healing plants and Aquaponics
Dinner time! Giving thanks for what we have in life and for the opportunities we are given

May Showcase 2017

On Saturday, Youth Organizers that participated in our year long Training Institute hosted a poster session where they showcased the work they have been doing over the last several months. Youth Organizers from Boulder County middle schools and high schools selected issues in their communities that were important to them and set out to do research by interviewing their peers, teachers, and community members about the issues to better understand them and in order to find community-led solutions. Topics included racism is their schools and in school policies, suicide awareness, the impact of media on self-confidence, body image, and relationships, immigration stories from family members, end of life options, sexuality and gender diversity, and sexual violence. Check out our facebook page to see more photos!

Showcase 2017

Come join our Peers Building Justice Youth Organizers on Saturday May 20th from 2-4pm at the University of Colorado Rec Center (1835 Pleasant St, Boulder, CO 80302) in the “Ice Overlook Large meeting Room”. This is a free event! Open to the public! Light snacks will be provided! Bring your friends and family!

During this annual showcase event, youth organizers will be presenting the projects they have been working on all year and sharing about their experiences in the Peers Building Justice Training Institute.


Up Next for PBJ


Peers Building Justice wrapped up a successful Martin Luther King, Jr showcase, above is our team celebrating our hard work.

The back of our shirts say, “The first duty of a revolutionary is to be educated”- Che Guevara

We plan on spending the rest of the school year preparing for our May Showcase,

which will demonstrate the hard work students are putting in now to research and address youth issues.

Here is what we have planned:

3/20-Workshop on Intersectionality/Gender and Sexuality

3/27– Spring Break NO PBJ

4/3-Research for Social Justice Workshop/Cold and Hot Spots Workshop

4/17-BVSD is Off NO PBJ

4/24-Boulder Valley Planned Parenthood Workshop

5/1-Spoken Word Training

5/15-Full Work Day

5/19–  Full Work Day



Martin Luther King Jr. Showcase

What: MLK Showcase and Community Conversation
When: January 16th, 4-6pm
Where: Alfalfa’s Community Room, 1651 Broadway St., Boulder CO 80302

Come attend and participate in our annual Martin Luther King, Jr Showcase led by and for youth, yet all members of the community are invited. This event will showcase the work Peers Building Justice (PBJ) youth have prepared for the community surrounding issues of race, identity, solidarity, and criminality. PBJ is a youth group committed to promoting social justice and resisting violence in our communities. Please come to this event on MLK day if you are interested in exploring student experiences and perspectives around race, racial justice, violence, and overall youth issues. Please spread this email and attached fliers with other community members who are also committed to supporting youth and ending violence. There will be light refreshments and heavy dose of education, conversation, and fun.


Peers Building Justice

Are you interested in making a difference in your community?

Join Peers Building Justice’s Training Institute to discuss social issues and how to take action!

This Monday, we will be hosting an information PBJ meeting for anyone who is interested in joining our Training Institute. It will be an opportunity to meet fellow high school students and learn more about this amazing opportunity and become leaders in your communities.

WHEN: Monday, Sept 12 5pm-7pm

WHERE: 1000 Alpine Ave. Boulder CO, 80304



High Schoolers: Join PBJ’s Training Institute!

PBJ Logo_cool

Are you interested in making a difference in your community?

Join Peers Building Justice’s Training Institute to discuss social issues and how to take action!

The Training Institute is comprised of high school students from across BVSD and meets twice a month after school. We generally meet every other Monday from 5-7 p.m. in Boulder.

The mission of the Training Institute is to promote social justice and resist violence in our communities. We meet to learn and talk about different forms of oppression including racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, classism, able-bodiedism and more. We’re also focused on talking about healthy relationships and how to prevent dating abuse and sexual assault.

We believe that youth have the power to affect community change, so we also collaborate to plan events and take action on different issues that matter most to you! If you are interested in learning more or joining us, email and/or like us on Facebook at PBJBoulder.

BVSD Educators: Schedule Violence Prevention Presentations

Calling at BVSD educators!

With the new school year starting, it’s once again time to schedule with PBJ to host our curriculum presentations. PBJ uses an evidenced-based youth violence prevention curriculum that is based on Safe Dates & Expect Respect. The full curriculum requires 6-8 hours of class time to complete.

To schedule a curriculum presentation in your classroom or youth group contact:


Jackie Manzo

Youth Violence Prevention Educator, SPAN




[one_half_last]Reina Ross

K-8 Violence Prevention Educator, SPAN



Below is an outline of material covered in the curriculum.

Session 1: Introductions & Defining Caring Relationships

  • Introductions, mandatory reporting, goals for sessions, group agreements
  • Defining Caring Relationships

Session 2: Power and Control & Defining Dating Abuse

  • Defining power- Individual, Collective, Institutional & access to resources
  • Defining Dating Abuse– Harmful Dating Behaviors What is Abuse?

Session 3: Why do People Abuse?

  • Why do people abuse
  • Video: Causing Pain: Real Stories of Dating Abuse and Violence
  • Warning Signs of Abuse

Session 4: Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Consent

  • Defining Consent & Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Harassment vs. Flirting

Session 5: How to Help Friends

  • Why don’t people leave?
  • How to help a friend
  • Role Play

Session 6: Overcoming Gender Stereotypes

  • Images and where they come from discussion
  • Gender Stereotypes in the media video compilation, discussion

Session 7: Identifying and Communicating Emotions

  • Extending Feeling vocabulary
  • Knowing When You’re Angry/How to use Calming Strategies
  • Assertive Communication

Session 8: Conclusion

  • Review of sessions, remaining questions

PBJ Summer Project: How Do Youth Engage?

This June, eight high school youth joined PBJ for a concentrated Participatory Action Research (PAR) project. The youth spent a total of 10 hours together investigating the question, “How do I engage?” The youth wanted to get a better idea of what motivates them and other youth to engage in their communities and social justice activism.

They began the process by making “mind maps” to illustrate their thoughts on the question. After much discussion, the youth then came up with several sub questions to inform their overall research question. The youth interviewed each other using these questions and took notes. We collected all of the answers on large butcher paper hung around the room. With the data collected, the youth were then tasked with finding common themes and important outliers in the answers given. The students identified these themes using sticky notes and grouped some of them together to illustrate their findings.

After examining the outcomes, the youth then partnered up to create posters with messages they would like to share with their peers – keeping in mind that high school students only have so much time to engage. Yet, they are living proof that in only a few hours, a lot can be accomplished. PBJ hopes these students will continue to be leaders and show their peers how they, too, have something important to say.