Category Archives: News

Deadline extension – Campus Organizer Applications are now due Sept. 27th

In light of the flood emergency and the response that is being provided by many of our community agencies, Peers Building Justice will be extending our Campus Organizer application deadline until FRIDAY, SEPT 27th!

We hope that you and your families are safe and finding the resources you need. Click here for one page that has several links to valuable resources.

We send warm thoughts to all those effected by the flood, and we look forward to receiving the last of your applications!

PBJ Campus Organizer Application 2013-2014.


Why should you join PBJ?

(1) PBJ is a radical youth collective.


(2) We have a really fun (and educational) training in the fall including a sweet overnight retreat at a cabin up in the mountains!


(3) Being a part of PBJ is great for public speaking experience.


(4) It looks awesome, really awesome, on college applications (we write a mean recommendation letter).


(5) Learn about arts-based activism, making the world a better place and making a difference in your communities.


(6) Acquire the tools to build and maintain a website and blog.


(7) Meet other students from schools all around and throughout Boulder County.


And mostly because…


It’s really fun!

Apply today!

Application Release!

Hello Everyone.

If you are intrested in becoming involved with PBJ next year please download, fill out and return the application below to one of our PBJ Educators.

Download PBJ Application

[divider] PBJ Educators [/divider]

Ashley Raleigh-Cohn, MPH
Prevention Education Coordinator, MESA

John Díaz-Cortés, MM
Youth Violence Prevention Educator & Organizer, SPAN

Teen Job Fair

For Youth and Young Adults
Ages 14 – 21

Thursday, March 21, 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
at A Spice of Life
5706 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, CO 80303

Be Ready!
• Bring your Resume
• Apply for a Job
• Bring your Social Security #
• Bring your Desire to Work!

Brought to you by Workforce Boulder County, the Colorado Division of
Vocational Rehabilitation, the Governor’s Summer Job Hunt,
and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

Professional Attire Recommended

Workforce Boulder County
2520 55th St., Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: 303.301.2900


February 22: Join PBJ this Friday as we particpate in an event hosted by The Studio Project at BMoCA (Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art). The event will begin at 7 pm and will include discussions, activities, food and a film screening. PBJ will be providing Dating Bingo!

The current installation, Museum of Broken Relationships, is incredibly relevent for TDV Awareness Month.

Art Lounge #3: Love on the Reel
Friday, February 22, 7-9pm

Created by and for junior high and high school aged youth, Love on the Reel will feature films by local teens and art-making based on healthy relationships and sexual awareness. Meet a local filmmaker and take part in Teen Open Wall, a pop-up exhibition/art exchange. Created by BMoCA’s Studio Project in collaboration with S.H.A.P.E.

Sponsored by The City of Boulder Youth Opportunities Program, The Georgie Fund at The Community Foundation, and the Luff Family Fund.

See you then!

Out Boulder’s BOLD Youth Films

5:00pm – Saturday, February 23rd

Out Boulder’s BOLD Youth Program, in collaboration with Bent Lens Cinema, proudly presents the premiere of the youth films made during BOLD’s Fall 2012 Director’s Journey Youth Filmmaking Project! This year we have a wide variety of wildy creative youth films! Please join us as a community for this very special evening! This portion of the evening is FREE and open to all!

Bent Lens

**some content may be inappropriate for folks 12 & under. contact B. for more info: / t: 720 248 8183

Get involved this February

Here are 3 things you can do to get involved this month:

1.Wear Orange
The color for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month is orange. Wear orange out to events this February and take time to talk with people about TDV and why you are choosing to wear orange. Let those who ask know that you are wearing orange in order to endorse healthy relationships within our communities.

2.Write a post on Facebook
Whether it is from friends or news pages, a lot of us get our news and updates from Facebook. A really powerful tool this TDV Awareness Month is your Facebook wall! Take a few minutes to learn more about TDV and write a short post; letting your friends know why it’s important to learn more about how TDV affects our communities.

3.Learn More
If you would like to learn more about TDV and its affects on our communities please frequent our blog, as we will be uploading information on TDV as well as ways to engage in healthy relationships that are filled with equity, love and respect.