Category Archives: News

Museum of Broken Relationships

from BMoCA…


February 14 – May 26, 2013 Please join us for the opening reception on February 14, 2013 –  Valentine’s Day.

In a throwaway consumer society, where everything is disposable, upgradable, and replaceable, items that remind us of past relationships rank particularly low on our personal value scale. The common response or advice for dealing with a breakup is to dispose of everything that reminds us of the other person and to get over him or her as quickly as possible, with the fact that the relationship did not last taken as self-evidence that this was not “the right one.” But as more and more people experience several significant relationships during their lifetime, with second and third marriages becoming increasingly common, we begin to acknowledge that our expectations and needs change as much as we do as we live longer, more educated, and self-determined lives. Simultaneously, the notion that the person we spent part of our life with was just “the wrong one” and should be erased from our memory becomes less plausible.

So what to do with the formerly cherished objects that carried so much personal meaning and emotions when the relationship is over? 

Read more…

LGBTQ & Art: talking circle and art project

Below is some information we just received from our friend b. mann at BOLD.  This sounds like a really great project to be a part of!

Brought to you by Out Boulder in collaboration with Boulder High School:

LGBTQ & Allies:

Talking Circle & Art Project for Teens

• Talking circles: express yourself in a safe space. We will be
discussing bullying issues in BVSD and beyond!
• Collaborate and Create a Zine (a DIY magazine): Bring talking circles
into action using art, writing, and creativity! Help create a youthdriven
guide to anti-bullying!
• Project will meet Saturdays, February 16-March 16, 12-4 at the
Out Boulder Pride House, 2132 14th St. Snacks will be provided.

Questions? 720 248 8183
Open to High-school aged students, LGBTQ and Allied.

Be the Change.

2013 MLK Events

Events: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


[divider] Boulder [/divider]

Thursday, January 17:

6:00 – 9:00 p.m. – Boulder Main Library Canyon Theater FILM SCREENING: “FREEDOM SONG” A stirring tale of unsung small-town community members who risked their lives to effect change.

Monday, January 21:

11:30am – 1:00pm – Pearl St. Mall, Boulder County Courthouse
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – CU Boulder, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom
CALL FOR ACTION REMARKS by Dorothy Rupert, former State Senator and Joe Neguse, CU Regent

Thursday, January 24:

7:00 p.m. – CU Boulder, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom
MLK SPEAKER, Reverend Dr. James D. Peters, Jr.
Reverend James worked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. before serving as a Baptist pastor for over 50 years.


[divider] Longmont [/divider]

Tuesday, January 15:

Proclamation “Honoring Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., Week”
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Council Chambers, 350 Kimbark, Longmont
Program: City Council will issue a proclamation declaring the week of
January 21st, 2013 in honor of Dr. King’s work on civil rights and social
justice for all people.

Monday, January 21:

Dr. King Celebration “Civil Rights for All”
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: Silver Creek High School, 4901 Nelson Rd., Longmont

Marade (March/Parade)
Time: 1:00 pm
Native American drummer and marchers will do an
honorary march around Silver Creek High School; please
join us.

Program: Trail Blazors of Boulder County film, speakers
and singers.
Time: 2:00 p.m.


[divider] Lafayette [/divider]

Monday, January 21:

March for Peace
12:00 pm
location: northwest corner of W. Waneka Parkway and Public Road

12:30 pm
location: Escuela Bilingue Pioneer

Boulder YOAB Writing Contest!

Who can participate?
+ The contest is open to middle or high school age youth living in
or attending school in the City of Boulder.

Entries in each of these categories will be judged separately:
1. Middle school – fluent in English
2. Middle school – not yet fluent in English
3. High school – fluent in English
4. High school – not yet fluent in English

Designed for youth by youth, celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Winners will receive a $50
gift card & a chance to
read their work at the
Martin Luther King Jr.
Day rally on the Pearl St.
Mall in January

Deadline: Monday, December 14th, 2012

Rules & Application

Project PAVE’s Transformations Scholarship

The Transformations Scholarship recognizes students who have taken action to end the cycle of relationship violence and promote healthy relationships in their lives, their school and community.

The scholarship:

  • has no GPA or financial requirements
  • is open to students 21 & under
  • typically is a one-time award to 10 students of $2,000-$4,000
To download the application, please visit or call 303.322.2382