Curriculum presentations are available for
BVSD high school classrooms & community youth groups.
Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence (SPAN) and Moving to End Sexual Assault (MESA) have come together to enhance our long-standing Peers Building Justice (PBJ) program. We invite you to meet with us to discuss this exciting opportunity for your students to be involved in our violence prevention work by allowing us to provide educational sessions in your classroom. Our curriculum was developed using two evidence-based curricula, Safe Dates and Expect Respect, the Colorado Department of Education’s academic standards for high school students, and arts-based interventions used for violence prevention.
According to research conducted over the past two years by the Boulder County Shared Risk and Protective Factor (SRPF) Project, youth in Boulder County need more awareness and skills in preventing interpersonal violence. The data gathered from the Community Readiness Model (CRM) research (a component of the SRPF Project) was analyzed and recommendations were made for increased education around violence prevention. Our curriculum is based on these recommendations, and we have developed a comprehensive approach to violence prevention with youth. Since the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends sufficient dosage of educational material, our project involves a 6-8 week model of sustained engagement. This will provide the youth with an opportunity for skill building and education about engaging in healthy relationships. The 6-8 session program will be facilitated by the Youth Violence Prevention Educator from SPAN, Prevention Education Coordinator at MESA, and other trained SPAN and MESA presenters.
Peers Building Justice (PBJ) Youth Violence Prevention Curriculum Outline
To schedule a curriculum presentation in your classroom or youth group contact:
Jackie Manzo
Youth Violence Prevention Educator, SPAN
[one_half_last]Reina Ross
K-8 Violence Prevention Educator, SPAN