Control doesn’t always end when a relationship does.

Control doesn’t always end when a relationship does.

Even after a break up a partner can make attempts to stay in control.





Here are a few examples…

  • Constant messaging- texts, calls, etc.
  • Begging you to take them back one minute and degrading you and calling you names the next
  • Threats to hurt/kill themselves if you break up with them
  • Spying on you- whether that be hacking onto your email or actually sitting outside your house


If you or a friend is in this situation the important thing to remember is the difference between actions stemming from a place of love or a place of manipulation. Someone missing you and wanting to be with you does not excuse or justify violating your boundaries.

– Madilyn Smith
Silver Creek High School


[divider] Here are some resources… [/divider]

SPAN 24-hr Crisis and Information Hotline: 303.444.2424
MESA 24-hr Sexual Assault Hotline: 303.443.7300
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 1.866.331.9474

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